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Course Descriptions

PHO 113 - Photography II

3 Credits

An intermediate photographic course with emphasis on exposure control, white balance and mixed lighting situations, studio and location lighting techniques. Assignments designed for visual impact, image communication, technical and aesthetic qualities. Student supplies camera, photographic inkjet paper, and removable flash unit.

Prerequisite: PHO 106 or permission of instructor

MCC General Education: MCC-AH - Arts and Humanities (MAH), MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply various lighting techniques to produce well-executed studio based photographic imagery.
2. Apply various digital techniques to produce well-executed studio based photographic imagery.
3. Apply natural light and portable flash modification techniques in the production of location imagery.
4. Use adjustment tools in contemporary photographic imaging software to modify color contrast when converting images to black and white.
5. Produce a photo essay that tells the story of a person, place or event.
6. Engage in the critical examination of images, noting potential improvement through in-depth group critiques.

Course Offered Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025